miércoles, 18 de noviembre de 2009

To watch my video go to alejandra's blog

martes, 22 de septiembre de 2009

Urban life

People in Santiago are always living their lives in a fast way without see anything around them. They are so into their own lifes that don't care about the people who is around.It's not their fault because is the society who does this, everybody are always distrusting, money makes them selfish and the rutine of work makes them be stress and agressive.Usually they don't spent too much time with their family because most of people have to work too many hours affecting their relationships.

martes, 8 de septiembre de 2009

Pet therapy

Studyes has shown that pet can be helpful to the people who have suffered from heart attacks, the pet can help to decrease blood presure.

Pet therapy works relaxing people. The owners of pets are different from the people who don't have pets because animals can relax you more when you play with them. Pet therapy works making feel the owner of the animal needed and responsable for the care of the animal.

Does not matter what type of pet do you have, this therapy works with any type of animal, the only thing that it is important is that you try to make your pet happy so you will be too.


miércoles, 2 de septiembre de 2009

To watch my video go to alejandra's blog

miércoles, 26 de agosto de 2009

About me

My name is Marisel Pérez, I am 19 years old, I live in San Bernardo with my parents.
I have been studying english pedagogy two years.
I am an easygoing person so it is really difficult that I get upset for something or with somebody, I generally prefer to take it with calmness.
I like all kind of music but my favorite is rock music, sometimes the music that I listen depends of how I feel in that moment.
I am an outgoing person, I do not like to be in the same place too long or do the sames things every day, I hate the rutine because in the end you start to feel bored of your life, so I am always going out with my friends or with 130 my boyfriend.
I enjoy the weekends because in this days I can spent more time with my family, sometimes we go to the field and in the nights we see movies together.

jueves, 28 de mayo de 2009

there are three sides to every story: Your side, my side and the truth.

I think that this phrase is related with the movie in the sense that the palestinian people had one point of view which was that they were victims of israelites, so they wanted to take revenge of what the isrealites did to them. And the israelites considered the palestinian people as enemies, So in this kind of situation one part thinks that they have the truth and in the other hand the israelites thinks that they have the truth, but they don't realize that no one has the whole truth,because both sides feel that they were attacked or something like that, so they are always thinking in take revange but that is not good, because they will never going to have an arrangement and while they are fighting for they differences, there are inocent people who is dying.
People should be open to other points of view because there are more of one right so inspite of be close of mind and kill other people they should think that maybe what they ae doing is not right.

In the movie we saw that Said and Khulad were chosen to be bomb suicide and attack the israelits, they accepted because they thoght

domingo, 26 de abril de 2009

Rapa Nui People

The Rapa Nui people live on Easter Island.
Rapa Nui is the original name of this island of volcanic origin and triangular shape, located in the middle of the South Pacific Ocean.

Contemporary Rapa Nui keep their rites, ceremonies and ancestral beliefs.

Some of their practices vary depending on this people's different stages since their prehistory.
In what is known as the expansive stage, an unusual religious fervor toward the ancestors took place: three hundred ceremonial altars and almost six hundreds moai were built. Priests were endowed with special power. Political crisis and starvation followed in what is known as the decline phase. The Rapa Nui were now praying for food. Such is the origin of the fertility cult of the god Make Make.
However, old concepts as Mana and Tapu prevailed. Mana is the supernatural power or magic.
It is in hands of the spirits and of some initiated.
This magic can be transmitted to any object, and so can be to those people living close to powerful men.
Ceremonial Shrines The
moais, were directly sculpted in volcanic rock, using basalt stone-cutters.
Once finished, they were lifted, and carried to the volcano's foot, using ropes made out of vegetable fibers. After placing them in the upright position, the Rapa Nui carved the moais' eyes, noses, and elongated ears, while tattooing its back. By dragging them with ropes and wooden structures, or by pushing them with bascular movements - as if they were walking by themselves - they were transported to a given ceremonial shrine.
The long and hard task of moving one of these sculptures ended when the moai was placed on the ahu or shrine, with the ocean at its back. Here Ariki, the King, presided the ritual to invest the moai with a power capable of protecting the lineage and the island.
They have an importan ceremonie which is celebrated every year, representatives of different lineage competed to obtain the first egg of the seagull known as Manutara, that nested on a small island, Motu Nui, located in front of Orongo.
Whoever brought the egg, unbroken and after a tough fight, was entitled as Tangata Manu. This meant that the winner was the reincarnation of the very Make Make god